Starting with version 2.4, H-Sphere incorporates SpamAssassin and ClamAV filters into its mail servers.
They have been added to H-Sphere as the Antispam and Antivirus
resources globally enabled in the system, and can be configured in Control Panel
both at the server level,
and for individual plans, accounts, domains and mailboxes.
To enable Antispam and Antivirus in Control Panel:
- Global Settings: In Info -> Global Resources, check
Antispam and Antivirus and click Submit Query.
- Plans: In Info -> Plans select the plans where
you would like to enable spam and virus protection. On the first page of the
wizard, enable Antispam and Antivirus. Optionally, set
prices for these resources on the subsequent steps.
- Accounts, domains and mailboxes: See Antispam and
Antivirus in User Guide.