H-Sphere Linux/FreeBSD Packages
Webmail Updates (H-Sphere 2.5+) |
New components:
- xlhtml - Microsoft Excel file converter.
- ppthtml - Microsoft PowerPoint file converter
- Fixed a bug in script mailsend_type.sh. This script won't change permissions for file
~httpd/htdocs/horde/config/conf.php any more.
New component: WvWare - msword file converter.
- Updated components:
- Horde to v. 3.0.9
- SqWebMail to v. 5.0.7
- Fixes:
- fixes a Horde localization problem on TRUSTIX OSs.
- Updated components:
- Horde to v. 3.0.8
- Turba to v. 2.0.5
- Kronolith to v. 2.0.6
- Mnemo to v. 2.0.3
- Nag to v. 2.0.4
- Fixes:
- fixes a bug with mail search in Horde.
- fixes a trouble with Spanish language.
