H-Sphere versions: 2.4.3 only
This release contains
Apache of 1.3.37 version, fixes
mod_rewrite Off-By-One Buffer Overflow Vulnerability,
PHP 4.4.3 and updates:
- CP Apache package to version:
- hsphere-cpanel-apache-1.3.37-1 (Linux)
- hsphere-cpanel-apache-1.3.37_1 (FreeBSD)
- Webbox Apache package to version:
- hsphere-apache-webbox-1.3.37-2 (Linux)
- hsphere-apache-webbox-1.3.37_2 (FreeBSD)
Make sure to have the following packages installed before you start the upgrade:
- The latest OpenSSL for all versions of H-Sphere. Install it as per OpenSSL documentation
- The latest zlib update which eliminates potential security vulnerabilities in previous
Custom PHP: If you have custom php modules installed on H-Sphere WEB boxes,
don't forget to back them up before upgrading the software. After the upgrade,
set them back up and restart the service.
If you are using Zend Optimizer or other optimizers, you will need to upgrade them to new version after upgrading PHP.
- Log into your control panel server as root:
su -
- Unpack the archive:
tar xzf u-apache-1.3.37-2.tgz
- Enter the unpacked directory:
cd u-apache-1.3.37-2
- H-Sphere is stopped automatically by the Update script. To make sure it is stopped, run:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpdcp stop
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apachecp.sh stop
To stop SiteStudio, stop Imaker by running:
kill -9 `ps -axw|grep imaker.sh |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'`
kill -9 `ps -axw|grep ImageMaker|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'`
- Run the update:
sh update.sh | tee update.sh.log
- Make sure CP is started properly:
ps axw | grep httpd |grep cpanel
ps axw | grep java
If it isn't, run:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpdcp start
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apachecp.sh start
- Start ImageMaker:
# /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/imaker.sh start >& /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/var/error_log 2>&1 &
# /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/imaker.sh start >& /hsphere/shared/SiteStudio/var/error_log &
- View Update screen:
less update.sh.log