The document describes the structure of files and directories to back up on H-Sphere VPS server.
The VPS host configuration file. It is common to all virtual servers:
The file with the list of virtual servers. To find out its pathname, run under root:
cat /hsphere/local/config/vserver/vps.cfg | grep VPSLIST
By default, it is:
FreeVPS configuration files (*.config) for each virtual server. They are located in
the VPSCONFIGS directory:
# cat /hsphere/local/config/vserver/vps.cfg | grep VPSCONFIGS
By default, the VPSCONFIGS directory is:
So, by default, FreeVPS configuration files will be /hsphere/local/config/vserver/*.config
H-Sphere VPS configuration files (H-Sphere related configuration).
They are located in the HSVPSFILES directory:
# cat /hsphere/local/config/vserver/vps.cfg|grep HSVPSFILES
By default, the HSVPSFILES directory is:
Note: We recommend backing up H-Sphere VPS configuration files
separately for each virtual server.
Virtual servers' content. Virtual servers are located in the VPSHOME directory:
# cat /hsphere/local/config/vserver/vps.cfg|grep VPSHOME
By default, the VPSHOME directory is:
Note: We recommend backing up each virtual server content separately.
VPS templates
for each supported operating system. They are located in the VPSCONFIGS/OS_TYPE directories,
where OS_TYPE is:
- RH73 for Red Hat 7.3;
- RHAS3 for Red Hat AS 3;
- RHES3 for Red Hat ES 3;
- RHWS3 for Red Hat WS 3;
- WBEL3 for White Box EL 3;
- CentOS3 for CentOS 3.x