Any operations with vpopmail are performed on your
mailserver (each mail server requires POP and SMTP services. If
there is more than 1 mail server, users are distributed evenly across
all of them).
To add a pop3 account into your system, you should
change the directory to ~vpopmail/bin.
For example, to add pop3 box "test" on existing domain
"", type the following command:
#$: ./vadduser
After that, you will be prompted for user password.
Enter it.
General format for "vadduser" command is:
vadduser [options] email_address [passwd]
You can also use the following instruction and options:
-q quota_in_bytes (sets the users quota)
-s (do not rebuild the vpasswd.cdb file, faster for large
-c comment (sets the gecos comment field)
-a (sets the account to use APOP, default is POP)
If you want to delete an existing user, you need to
simply enter the following command:
#$: ./vdeluser
You can also change user information without delete/create
operation. To do it, type:
#$: ./vmoduser [options] full_email@address
-v (display the vpopmail version number)
-n (do not rebuild the vpasswd.cdb file)
-q quota (set quota)
-c comment (set the comment/gecos field)
-e encrypted_passwd (set the password field)
the following options are bit flags in the gid int field
-u (set no dialup flag)
-d (set no password changing flag)
-p (set no pop access flag)
-w (set no web mail access flag)
-i (set no imap access flag)
-b (set bounce mail flag)
-r (set no external relay flag)
-0 (set V_USER0 flag)
-1 (set V_USER1 flag)
-2 (set V_USER2 flag)
-3 (set V_USER3 flag)
-x (clear all flags)
You can view information for an existing user by typing:
#$: ./vuserinfo [options] full_email@address
-v (print version number)
-a (display all fields, this is the default)
-p (display crypted password)
-u (display uid field)
-g (display gid field)
-c (display comment field)
-d (display directory)
-q (display quota field)
To change the password, use the following command:
#$: ./vpasswd full_email@address
To set quota for user's pop account, use the command
#$: ./vsetuserquota [options] full_email@address quota_in_bytes
To add client mail relay server, you need to add a
corresponding line into the ~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp file,
such as:
After that, you need to rebuild the tcp.smtp.cdb
file by typing the following command:
/hsphere/shared/bin/tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.tmp < tcp.smtp
If you want to add a forward to an existing email
address, you should change the directory to ~vpopmail/domains/,
and create the .qmail-popusername file with the line:
If you are recompiling vpopmail, use the following
configuration string:
For more commands and options, see Vpopmail and Qmail