To edit interface texts, select the Look and Feel menu.
Login Texts
You can change the following texts displayed on the H-Sphere login page:
- Welcome message: the message on the top of the page. You can enter it in text or HTML format.
- Welcome text: the text under the welcome message also can be entered in text or HTML format.
- Welcome Services: describe the services provided by H-Sphere or enter any other welcome text.
To change interface login texts, enter your own text into the input box and click Save.
Signup Texts
Texts that appear on every page of the signup wizard and describe H-Sphere features and
benefits. The title of the input box shows as the title of the signup text on the signup pages.
If you leave the boxes empty, the system will use the default H-Sphere signup texts.
To change signup texts, enter your own text into the input box and click Save.
Miscellaneous Texts
- Customer Support info shows in the tooltip area when
an action fails to execute with an error message written to the log
and e-mailed to the support e-mail address.
- Checks Info is very important for check users
and if not entered, your check users won't be able to pay for the resources.
It appears:
- in signup wizard ("Send your checks to"),
- in check invoice notifications,
- in check approaching resources limit notifications, etc.
- Privacy Statement is reserved for future implementation.
- Sales Info shows on the signup pages.
To change these texts, enter your own text into the input box and click Save.